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Top 26 Data Scientist’s Interview Questions Challenge

  • Oct 20, 2022 By GigNets
  • Introduction

    The professional career of a Data Scientist seems to be one of the most promising and lucrative ones. The professionals are doing extraordinarily well in the industry and making things big. If you also want to crack the same and have a fulfilling career, this is high time to start preparing for the interview. This post talks about the interview questions that you must consider to crack the interview for Data Science.

    Data Scientist's Interview

    1. Does the gradient descent method generally converge to similar points?

    Normally it does not. In a few instances, these methods may reach a local optimum or local minimal point. It is unlikely to reach the global optima point. It is basically controlled by data and starting conditions.

    2. What is cross-validation?

    This is a unique validation method that evaluates how the outcome of some statistical analysis is to generalize to independent data set. This is basically used in the backgrounds where the objective is to forecast, and some might want to estimate how a model will accomplish.

    3. Explain the goal of the A/B testing

    This statistical hypothesis testing is done for the randomized experiments with the two variables like A and B. Objective of this testing is to detect any alterations to the web page for maximizing the outcome of some strategy.

    4. State the law of the large numbers

    This theorem is to describe the results of effectively performing the same experiment frequently. It forms the basis of frequency-style thinking. It tells that sample standard, sample variance, and sample mean deviation converge to what they really want to estimate.

    5. What are some drawbacks of the linear model?

    A few of the drawbacks are:

    • Assumption of the linearity of errors
    • This cannot be utilized for the binary outcomes or count outcomes
    • Some over-fitting problems cannot be resolved

    6. How frequently should an algorithm be updated?

    You are supposed to update an algorithm if:

    • Underlying data source is altering
    • Model is to evolve as the data streams through infrastructure
    • It is the case of non-stationarity

    7. What do you know by confounding variables?

    These variables are considered to be extraneous variables in a statistical model that basically correlates inversely or directly with both independent and dependent variables. Its estimation really fails to account for the confounding factor

    8. Explain the star schema

    It is nothing but some traditional database schema with a central table. The satellite tables are to map IDS to the physical descriptions or names, and it can be connected to the central fact that utilizing the ID field. Such tables are regarded as lookup tables and are quite useful in different real-time applications. In some cases, star schemas involve various layers of summarization for recovering information quickly.

    9. How to work towards a random forest?

    The principle of the technique is the combination of a few weak learners to create a strong learner. The steps are:

    • Build a few decision trees on the bootstrapped training samples of the data
    • Apply the rule of thumb at every split m=p√m=p
    • The prediction should be done using the majority rule.

    10. What do you understand by eigenvalue and eigenvector?

    Eigenvalues are directions along which some specific linear transformation acts by stretching, compressing, and flipping.

    The eigenvectors are used to understand the linear transformation better. In data analysis, eigenvectors are calculated for correlation or the covariance matrix.

    11. What do you know by survivorship bias?

    This is some kind of logical error of properly focusing on aspects that support surviving a method and overlooking those that did not exist due to its lack of prominence. It is to leads to the wrong conclusions in various ways.

    12. Why is re-sampling done?

    It is done for:

    • Validating models by utilizing random subsets (cross-validation, bootstrapping)
    • Substituting labels on the data points while performing important tests
    • Drawing with the replacement from the set of data points or estimating the accuracy of the sample statistics by utilizing subsets of the assessable data

    13. What kinds of biases can generally occur during a sampling?

    There are basically 3 kinds of biases that can occur such as survivorship bias, under-coverage bias, and selection bias.

    14. Explain selection bias

    This is such a problematic situation where the error is introduced due to the non-random population sample.

    15. What kind of cross-validation are you to use on the time series data set?

    Time-series data is not some randomly distributed data. The chronological order rather inherently orders this. Regarding time series data, you are to use effective techniques such as forward chaining. In this technique, you are to model past data first and only then look at the forward-facing data.

    Fold 1: training 1, test 2
    Fold 1: training 1 2 3, test 4
    Fold 1: training 1 2, test 3
    Fold 1: training 1 2 3 4, test 5

    16. Explain logistic regression. Give an example where you can use this regression method lately.

    This regression model is such a legit model that it is used to predict the binary outcome from the linear combination of the predictor variables. For instance, regarding predicting whether a specific political leader is to win an election or not, the outcome of the prediction is to be binary, i.e., 1 or 0 (Win/Lose). Predictor variables, in this case, are the amount of time and amount of money spent on campaigning.

    17. What do you understand by Box-Cox Transformation?

    Dependent variables for regression analysis may not satisfy one or several assumptions of ordinary least squares regression. Residual could follow skewed distributions or curve as prediction increases. In this regard, this is important for transforming response variables for data to meet needed assumptions.

    Box-Cox Transformation is such a statistical technique that generally transforms non-normal dependent variables into a normal shape. In the case given, data is not to be normal. Most statistics assume normality. Applying this transformation technique lets you run a broader number of tests.

    18. Explain bias

    Bias is nothing but an error introduced in the model for its over-simplification of the machine learning algorithm. This is to lead to under-fitting. If you train a model at this time, then the model makes simplified assumptions for making the target function quite easier to understand.

    Examples of high bias in ML algorithms are logistic regression and linear regression. Examples of low-bias ML algorithms are SVM, k-NN, etc.

    19. What is variance in machine learning?

    Variance is also known to be an error introduced in the model of ML. A model is to learn noise from the training data set and thus performs badly on the test data set. This ultimately leads to over-fitting and high sensitivity.

    If you increase the complexity of a model, you are supposed to find a reduction in this error to the lower bias in the model. It is to happen till some specific point. If you proceed to make the model even more complex, then you would end up overfitting the model.

    20. Explain exploding gradients

    The gradient is the magnitude and direction calculated during the training of some neural networks which is generally used for updating network weights in the right direction and the right amount.

    Exploding gradients are such problems where several large error gradients are to accumulate. It eventually results in large updates to the neural network model weights at the time of training. Values of the weights could become very large to overflow it to result in the NaN values.

    21. What is a decision tree algorithm?

    This is such a supervised machine learning algorithm that is used for classification and regression. This is to break down the data set into its smaller subset while an associated decision tree is developed simultaneously. The final result becomes a tree with the left nodes and decision nodes. The decision tree can handle both the numerical data and categorical data.

    22. What do you understand by Entropy in the decision tree?

    A decision tree is built top-down from the root node, which involves data partitioning into homogeneous subsets. ID3 is the algorithm that is used to build a decision tree. ID3 is known to use Entropy for checking the homogeneity of some samples. In case some sample is fully homogeneous, Entropy becomes zero. But if that sample is equally divided, this is to have an Entropy of 1.

    23. State information gained in the decision tree

    Information gain is generally based on the decrease in the Entropy after some dataset gets split on the attribute. Building the decision tree is about finding essential attributes that return the highest information gain.

    24. Explain ensemble learning

    Ensemble learning is nothing but effectively combining diverse sets of the learner to improvise on the model’s predictive power and stability. This has plenty of types, but two of its popular learning techniques are bagging and boosting.

    The technique implements similar learners on the sample populations and takes the mean of all predictions. Regardinggeneralized bagging, you are a on various populations. Illowed to utilize various learners will reduce variance error.

    This is such an iterative technique that adjusts the weight of any observation based on the last classification. If some observation is classified wrongly, this increases the weight of that observation.

    25. How is logistic regression generally done?

    This regression method effectively measures the relationship between a dependent variable and one or several independent variables by properly estimating probability utilizing the underlying logistics functions.

    26. How to maintain a deployed model?

    There are steps that you need to follow for maintaining a deployed model.

    • Monitoring
    You need to constantly monitor all the models to determine their performance accuracy. If you make some changes, then find out how these changes may affect things. This monitoring is extremely needed for its proper functions.

    • Evaluation
    Evaluation metrics of the current model are properly calculated for determining whether the latest algorithm is required or not.

    • Comparison
    New models are to be compared with each other for determining which model is to perform best.

    • Rebuild
    The best-performing model is supposed to be rebuilt on the current state of the data.


    There’s no doubt that Data Science is one of the most promising but difficult careers one can pursue. If you want to excel in the industry, you will have to fluent in all possible queries that you may be asked anything. Check out the post to know about the most asked interview questions for the Data Science job support.

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